William Redpath
William Redpath
William Redpath is developer of TRAUMA ENERGETICS, an energetic trauma resolution modality, and author of Trauma Energetics, A Study of Held-Energy Systems, and Trauma For Beginners.
A lecturer, therapist, and special educator at McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA for 51 years, since 1995, he has maintained a world-wide client-based practice with the help of the Internet.
His implementation of his study of held-energy systems is, for some, radical and effective in the treatment and resolution of human trauma, including prenatal experience. He has also written Poems and Ruminations.
William is available for sessions.
William’s course
Masterclass Trauma Energetics
You can learn a lot from a book, but guiding a fellow human with a trauma needs training in real life. With this masterclass William and the Academy for Energy Medicine would like to offer space for this.